Khoury Consulting Inc. Apps

Doctor Pocket - Chat with an Ivy League MD 7.0.1
Don’t stress any longer about getting the medical attention andcare you need. When it comes to your health, Doctor Pocket willconnect you to specialists based on your symptoms at yourconvenience and in your own remote location. Doctor Pocket connectsyou to specialists that have rotated at Harvard, Yale, JohnsHopkins & McGill! Things we can help you with: Coughs, Colds,Allergies and Sore Throats. Symptoms can be overwhelming and applyto numerous conditions and illnesses. Doctor Pocket specialists canhelp you find the root of the problem by identifying symptoms andconnecting you with the right doctor who can assist you in feelingbetter. First, select a specialist. Next, you will be asked forsome medical history and to discuss symptom specifics such as whenthe symptoms began as well as their exacerbating and alleviatingfactors. The specialist might also ask you for a photo to furtheraccess your situation. Attaching an image gives doctors valuableadditional information from a diagnostic point of view and willhelp them deliver more thorough advice. Doctor pocket provides youthe assistance, attention, and care at the comfort of your own homeor remote location. It provides you a virtual experience and thepeace of mind without leaving your home. Virtual & remote carewhile traveling: Doctor Pocket offers medical advice in situationswhere local specialists cannot speak your language, such as whenyou are traveling. Doctors can also answer questions about themedical essentials to bring with you before you travel,vaccinations you may need to take, specific precautions to followfor your destination, and more via the comfort and convenience ofyour own home. You can consult the doctor to assist you with anyadditional medical issues you may encounter during your travel aswell. Doctor Pocket provides help and assistance with minorinjuries such as sprains, bruises, and soreness. Severe injuriessuch as fractured bones and bodily trauma cannot be assessed, youmust head directly to the emergency room in such situations.However, our specialists via Doctor Pocket can provide an urgencyin situations and cases that may not be obvious to the neutral eye.The Doctor will advise you to go to the hospital if he or she hasany doubt about the severity of your injury. If your injuries orillness is not severe, Doctor Pocket can save you a trip to theclinic and help you nurse your injuries or illness remotely oruntil you return home from your travels. Doctor Pocket's securecommunication platform provides you with virtual medical care andattention from doctors you trust. Eye & Skin Conditions Eyeconditions can be very critical. Doctor Pocket offers assistancewith minor eye complaints such as styes, pink eye, and red eyeissues that can be handled with over the counter (OTC) products. Inaddition, if deemed necessary, your doctor will advise you on theuse of hot or cold compresses to be applied and other home carespecifics. Any severe condition that needs immediate medical help,such as sharp objects in your eye, you will need to seek urgentmedical care at a physical clinic. Skin conditions such as rashes,burns, bites, and allergic reactions are perfect examples of howDoctor Pocket can help you. A shared picture can help thespecialists better address skin symptoms and specifics rather thanrelying on patient description alone. Other things we give medicaladvice for are: Assessing Medical Imaging; X-ray, CT-Scans, MRI.Please be advised we can only review imaging that has been verifiedby a certified radiologist. Things we "cannot" help you with:Cancer, chronic conditions requiring scheduled clinic visits,follow-ups, and physical exams, psychiatry and mental health,emergent cases, severe trauma cases. Disclaimer: Our Doctors holdthe right to cancel your appointment if they identify your case asan emergency or as one of the issues noted above under "things wecannot help you with"
ConnexMD 1.1.6
ConnexMD is a telemedicine app offering immediate access tomedicalspecialists.